How difficult is the competition for you for this Olympic event?
Well. we’ve just come back from the World Championships and it will be the same nations as the Olympics so I’d know most of the girls in the competition. Most of them will be there but obviously a few of them became injured in the competition so it’s hard to say.
When you’re training, what is your average jump height?
Oh I can’t jump high at all when I’m training. It’s about 1.75 or 1.80 [metres]. I need the competition to get me that much higher – up to 1.95 metres which is my average at the moment. I needed 1.93 metres to compete, which I got and I also got 1.97 so it’s around that level. But some girls are different and they can be really high in training.
What’s your training regimen like?
We do three separate sessions in one week and come back and do another one for a test. Two of those would be high-jumps and the other would be high-jump drills. Then we do maybe three weight sessions, two running sessions and a lot of plyometrics. We do a little cardio in the winter, maybe 1200 metre runs.
How are women athletes treated at Olympic level?
I wouldn’t really know about that fully yet as I haven’t really experienced it. But I guess I’ll find out soon enough! But in terms of committees, I haven’t noticed anything like that, it seems pretty even. I mean, I think there could be more women in a lot of corporations, but in terms of the Olympics competitors there are females involved in the sports than males I think.
Any personal challenges ahead for you?
Well, I’ve had to put my career on hold for the moment and train full-time. It’s a challenge though and I want to give 100% instead of looking back and saying “God look at all those hours I could have spent recovering”.
Are you overcoming any injuries from previous years?
Yes, I’m coming back from an injury but I’ve been injury-free since April now so I think that one of my main challenges is staying injury-free.
How do you celebrate?
Normally at the end of a season I’ll go out with a couple of friends and go out for a few drinks and dance a lot. But in places like Korea it’s a bit different. I’d keep alcohol to a minimum though because it can effect your healing times and in being unable to train if you have a hangover.
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